Welcome to our Yellow Corridor

Here in Midleton CBS Primary School we decided that every corridor would have a colour assigned to it and each classroom on each corridor would have a name associated with that designated colour. Our Yellow Corridor is where we currently have three of our five classrooms for autistic children and these classrooms are called:
Yellow Corridor:
- An Spreach - The Spark - Mn. Andrea
- An Lasair - The Flame - Mn. Lorna (Opens September 2023)
- An Solas- The Light - Mn. John
Across in the main building you will find our two other classes. The reason for these classes being situated in the main building is due to the boys integrating with their peers daily. It is a huge achievement for these pupils and it shows how much they have excelled over the past few years. An Ghrian is located in the Red Corridor and An Realt is located in the Purple Corridor.
Main Building:
- An Seagán - Mn. Eoghan
- An Realt - The Star - Mn. Fiona
In each class the children are supported in an environment of a maximum of a 6:1 ratio of pupils to teacher and they are further supported through the allocation of two SNAs per class. Each member of staff is trained and experienced in using a variety of methodologies, approaches and techniques allowing us to support our children even further depending on what best caters to the needs of each individual child. Our aim is to help each child develop and reach their full potential in a holistic manner.
We also strive to create the highest possible levels of inclusion and promote understanding, acceptance and appreciation of all children. Opportunities for inclusion are availed of when and wherever possible. This inclusion happens formally and informally, both in the playground and in the classroom environment providing many opportunities for each child to develop academically, socially and emotionally.
Every child has access to
- individual learning stations
- opportunities to participate in mainstream classroom activities and classes
- quiet zones
- our gym area
- our multi sensory equipment
- our sensory room
- our outdoor play area
- highly trained and supportive staff
- our life skills room
- outings eg trips to the library, local playground, cafes, cinema etc
- life skills programme
- swimming programme
- and much, much more
Click the link HERE for lots of information and photos as we move through the year!
Or by clicking on the keywords at the bottom of the page you will be in for a real treat! You will get a real insight into what life is like inside the classroom. You will see the children's work through various stages of each process as it is the journey and not the end product that contains the real learning.
MCC School Therapy Dog: Alfie
Click here for more information and photos

Life Skills Room
Click HERE for more information on our life-skills programme

Sensory Room

Life Skills Based Outings
Click HERE for more information on our life-skills programme


Thematic Learning

Circle Time/ Social Skills/ Speech & Language

Fine Motor Skills FUN!

Sensory FUN!

Yard Space/Gym/Gross Motor FUN!

Should you have any queries please contact us via the school office.
Click HEREor the links below for some photos from our Yellow Corridor or search "Yellow Corridor" in the search bar
World Book Week in The Yellow Corridor

Easter Egg Hunt

Interactive Yard Stations

Playground Trip

Celebrating Halloween

Buddy Reading

Click the link HERE for lots of information and photos as we move through the year!
Or by clicking on the keywords at the bottom of the page you will be in for a real treat! You will get a real insight into what life is like inside the classroom. You will see the children's work through various stages of each process as it is the journey and not the end product that contains the real learning.