Communication between us, as a school and you, as a parent body is very important to us. We are always looking for new ways to improve these links and the ongoing communication between all members of the school community. We have several initiatives in place to help us maintain this good communication:
2. A School Facebook Page: please feel free to like and share to spread the word about all the wonderful things our pupils do

3. A school Instagram account
4. A school Twitter account
5. Use of school communication app: Aladdin Connect
6. Use of class communication apps eg SeeSaw, Class Dojo
7. Use of Zoom for remote learning and parent information meetings
8. A termly newsletter: this is a collection of articles written by and about the children and activities in the school.
9. A digital notice board outside the school office which displays photos of the children and their work.
10. A very hard working and dedicated Parents' Association who are always willing to listen to your suggestions.
11. A staff who are always on hand to take the time to listen to children and parents alike and where early intervention is prioritised.
Should you, at any time need to speak with a member of our teaching staff with regards to you progression or care needs or have a concern or question please do not hesitate to contact the school office. It is important that all communication follows the right channels to ensure that the most accurate information about your child is given to their teacher. Please avoid passing on any information through any other persons. From here we will ensure that all important information is passed on to the relevant personnel.
We would ask at all time that parents/guardians are mindful of class contact time and understand that teachers may not be able to speak with you immediately. We will always do our utmost to return your call and when and where necessary arrange an appointment to meet you.
We hope all these initiatives combined will help make each child's journey through our school an even more positive one!đ