


Admissions for this current year 2024/25:

There are some places still available for the current year, please contact the school:

Admissions: School Year 2025-26:



2026/27 and Beyond

School Admission Flyer 24-25 OPEN DAY QR Code.png

Why Choose Us? Take a Virtual Tour of Our School

Why Choose Us? What do 6th Class Think? Here is their Vlog

Enrolment is still open for the current year 2024/25 & the next academic year 2025/26

Here at Midleton CBS Primary School we accept boys from 1st Class onwards for our mainstream classes and from pre-school and junior infant level in our special classes for autistic children. We opened an Early Intervention Class for autistic children in September 2022 and an Infant Autism Class in September 2023. Should you wish to enrol your son please read all the details below and follow for 2025-26.

  • An application form will be sent to you on request or you may call to reception and we will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Тут, у початковій школі Midleton CBS, ми приймаємо хлопчиків з 1-го класу як у наші звичайні класи, так і в наші спеціальні класи для дітей-аутистів. У вересні 2025 року ми також відкриваємо клас раннього втручання для дітей-аутистів. Якщо ви хочете записати свого сина, будь ласка, прочитайте всі деталі нижче та перейдіть за посиланнями, щоб завантажити форму заявки на 2025-2026 роки.

  • Будь ласка, заповніть форму та поверніть її на цю електронну адресу: office@midletoncbsprimary.ie

Expression of Interest

2026-27 and Beyond

Should you wish to express and interest in enrolling your son for a subsequent year please click and complete the "Expression of Interest" form below:

Parents: Useful Things To Know

Transitioning to a new school can be a daunting experience sometimes and we aim to make this journey as happy as possible. We always begin by inviting in parents of our new pupils to come and meet with us, fill out an enrolment form and always take the time to listen to any concerns and answer any questions.

Later in the year we look forward to meeting all new perspective parents at a talk where we like to give a short presentation to show you what our school is all about and what you and your child can expect from their school experience with us. Here we will again welcome all your questions and will do our utmost to answer all your queries.

After we have met with you, the parents, we hope to then invite you to bring in your child on a subsequent day. Here your child will get to see our school environment and meet with staff. Being surrounded by familiar faces in a new environment will help, we hope, puts your child at ease. Your child will then be invited to visit one of our classrooms where they will be given an opportunity to explore and interact with their friends. The aim of this is to provide your child with a POSITIVE experience of school and to allow them become familiar with this new environment, resulting in an easy transition in September. It will also give us, the teachers, an opportunity to meet with each child and get to know them.

17 2025
St Patrick's Day Break
11 2025
Easter Holidays - 12 noon Finish
14 2025
Easter Holidays
02 2025
School Closed: Teacher Primary Maths Curriculum Training
05 2025
May Bank Holiday
Midleton CBS Primary School,
Co. Cork,
P25 EK13,

021 463 1419

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CM Gold Award 2024
© 2025 Midleton CBS Primary School