History of Midleton CBS Primary School

History of Midleton CBS Primary School

Midleton CBS Primary School

1867 – 2019

The Christian Brothers began teaching in Midleton in 1867 as a result of the wishes of the townspeople to have them as teachers of the young men of the town. The then Parish Priest, responding to the requests of parishioners and his own recognition of the need for a dedicated school to educate the young men of the town requested that the Christian Brothers establish themselves in the Parish of Midleton. Thomas Coppinger Esq., of Midleton House bequeathed a sum of £20 per annum for maintenance of the Christian Brothers in Midleton, a sum of £50 for furnishing the schools and his own private subscription of £100 towards expenses.

The first community in Midleton consisted of Brother Jerome Murphy, Director; Brothers Dominic Sinnott, Bernard Schofield, and Joseph Nolan, who acted as a lay brother. The original primary school opened the school on Wednesday 3rd April, 1867 with 240 boys registered. After a week, the number of students had increased to 300 and rose steadily to over 400 pupils by the first of July. As a result, 100 students were unable to enrol in the school. The school was situated in the building specially built (1865-1867) for the Brothers across the road from the present day primary school campus.

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Initially the school was a primary school only but later it accommodated older students and thus developed a post primary school. By 1880 older students were participating in the New Intermediate Grade.

The Christian Brothers did not receive the financial assistance provided to National Schools who were part of the National School State System. This was because of the restrictions imposed on the teaching of Religion, Irish language, culture and history.

There was plenty of room in the old primary school and as the secondary school developed, second level students were housed in the top floor of the building. When eventually the Primary School was included in the State National Schools System the Primary School was entitled to grants to maintain the upkeep of the school. An issue arose that this did not include the secondary school and as a result, in 1956 second level classes were moved to the old monastery next to the school. Today this building is the Edmund Rice Centre. From 1957 – 1966, the Christian Brothers relocated to “Avoncore House” on the Mill Road. In October 1966, the Brothers returned to a newly renovated Monastery and from January 1967 the second level classes were conducted in two pre-fabs.

As the 1960s advanced the Department of Education sanctioned the building of a new Primary School in Midleton. Work began in 1967 and the new school was opened in 1968. The new school cost £60,000 and was deemed to have accommodation for 350 to 400 boys. The new school has eight classrooms and included a medical room and library.

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Rev. Br. A. O Connor was the final Christian Brother to teach in the school. Following a long and distinguished career as a teaching member of staff Mr. John Flynn became the first lay Principal of the school. His successor, Mr. Patrick Fitzgerald became Príomhoide in 2007 after he too had completed long and distinguished teaching service in the school. The present Príomhoide, Mrs. Mary Cunningham, has the distinction of being the first female Principal of Midleton CBS Primary School. 150 years later, the school continues to proudly uphold the fine educational traditions and standards sought by the people of Midleton in 1867 for their young boys. The school community now welcomes and nurtures children not only from the local area but from many corners of the world. The national and international spirit of education that Edmund Ignatius Rice sought to bring to the world is indeed embodied in the life of Midleton CBS Primary School in 2019. It is with great joy that we celebrated in 2017, the remarkable accomplishment of 150 years service to education in Midleton.

The Board of Management has continued its work since 2017 to provide the best possible facilities for the current pupils of the school. A roof refurbishment project was carried out in the summer/autumn of 2017 funded by the Department of Education and Skills summer works programme. At the same time the Board set about making the old infant school building suitable to support the new and growing ASD Unit. The school continues to engage actively with the DoES Building Unit to deliver a new ASD Unit and to link both buildings. A protected play area was created in 2017 to support the ASD Unit with outdoor facilities. The summer of 2018 was spent on the development of an all weather astro turf pitch, new soft pour yard surfaces, a new basketball court and an outdoor gym area for the pupils of both the mainstream classes and the ASD Unit special classes.

Summer 2019 has seen the updating of the schools information technology provision. New touch screen panels have been installed in mainstream classrooms, new laptops have been purchased for staff, the first suite of ipads have been acquired for the school and the wifi infrastructure is about to be updated. Exciting 21st Century opportunities for teachers and students alike lie ahead.

Midleton CBS School 150th Anniversary Celebrations

The pupils of the Primary School kept up an old tradition of walking behind the school banner to the nearby Parish Church

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On Monday 3rd of April 2017, Midleton CBS Primary and Secondary Schools celebrated 150 years of service to the communities of East Cork. On the 3rd of April 1867 the Christian Brothers established their first school in Midleton when 240 boys were registered in the school. A week later the number reached 300 and the increase continued, so that on July 1st the number of pupils was over 400. (Rev. B. P. Troy P.P., V.F.)

On Monday April 3rd 2017, 1,000 students of the CBS Primary and Secondary Schools together gathered in the Parish Church for a special Mass of celebration and thanksgiving. The Chief Celebrant was the Most Reverend William Crean D.D., Bishop of Cloyne. Bishop Crean was joined to concelebrate the Mass by priests of the Dioceses and of the Parish led by Canon Jim Killeen, Parish Priest of Midleton. Many of the priests present were past pupils of the schools – the longest serving amongst them was Canon Colman O’ Donovan, a past pupil of the CBS Schools and an active member of the Past Pupils Union for over fifty years.

Br. Paul Hendrick and Br. Chris Glavey headed up the strong contingent of Christian and Presentation Brothers who joined in the celebrations on the day. Br.Muiris O Chuinneagáin, Br. Brian Molloy, Br. Peadar Gleeson, Br. Jim Donovan, B. Dan Healy, Br. Dermot Ambrose, Br. Addie Pinto, Br. Kevin Mascarenhas, Br. Donal Leader, and Br. Pat O’ Connell travelled from the far corners of Ireland to be present on the occasion that sought to mark the long and distinguished service of the schools to the education of generations of students in Midleton and the surrounding areas.

Former Principal teachers of both the Primary and Secondary Schools were remembered and thanked for their selfless service to the schools. Mr. Denis Ring and Mr. Pat Hurley, former Principals of the Secondary School along with Br. Muiris O Chuinneagain, Mr. John Flynn, and Mr. Pat Fitzgerald all former Principals of the Primary School were present and honoured on the day of celebration.

The Boards of Management, Parent Councils, teaching Staff current and retired, members of the Presentation Sisters and public representatives including Minister for State at the Department of Justice and Law Reform, Mr. David Stanton joined the students of both schools in the celebration of this rare and special occasion. Midleton CBS Past Pupils’ Union were present in large numbers on the day. Formed in 1964, the PPU is a remarkable source of help and support, moral and material to both schools.

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Bishop William Crean, Bishop of Cloyne led prayers at the Christian Brothers’ plot in the adjoining cemetery. Pupils from the schools and members of the Past Pupils Union laid a commemorative wreath on the grave.

At the start of the day the pupils of Midleton CBS Primary School took part in a flag raising ceremony across the road from the site of the original school that opened on April 3rd 1867.

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This was followed by a short tree planting ceremony – Mr. Michael Ryan, Chairperson Board of Management assisted by pupils and the Deputy Principal, Mr. John Cronin and Principal, Mrs. Mary Cunningham.

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Finally the pupils of the school released 150 balloons in the school colours into the sky over Midleton.

The balloons represented the celebration of the past in all its triumphs and challenges and the sending out into the world the hopes, dreams and aspirations of the school’s current generation of pupils.

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Both Primary and Secondary Schools received a beautiful presentation to mark the occasion from the Parish of Midleton. This was presented to the Principals of the schools, Mr. Maurice Keohane, CBS Secondary and Mrs. Mary Cunningham, CBS Primary by the Chairman of the Parish Council, Mr. John Mc Carthy in the presence of BishopCrean and Canon Killeen.

Midleton Parish presentations to mark the 150th Anniversary.

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L to R : Fr. John Ryan, Mr. Joe Whyte, BOM Midleton CBS Secondary School,Mr. John Mc Carthy, Chairperson Midleton Parish Council, Mr. Maurice Keohane, Principal, Midleton CBS Secondary School, Mr. Michael Ryan, BOM Midleton CBS Primary School, Canon Jim Killeen, Parish Priest, Mrs. Mary Cunningham, Principal Midleton CBS Primary School, Bishop William Crean, Bishop of Cloyne, Fr. Eamon Roche, Midleton

The day of celebration ended with the unveiling of commemorative plaques in both schools by the Christian Brothers present on the day. The Past Pupils Union had kindly arranged the plaques to mark the occasion of the 150th Anniversary.

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(L-R) Br. Brian Molloy. Br. Muiris Ó Cuinneagáin, Br.Paul Hendrick , Br.Chris Glavey, Mrs. Mary Cunningham Principal CBS Primary, Mr. Pat Hurley, President Past Pupils’ Union, Mr. Maurice Keohane, Principal CBS Secondary School

A very special plaque was unveiled in the Edmund Rice Centre (former CB Monastery) in memory of the founding community of Christian Brothers in Midleton in 1867.

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Christian Brothers, relatives, representatives of both schools, members of Midleton CBS Past Pupils’ Union.

The Brothers were Br. John Jerome Murphy, Br. Francis Dominic Sinnott, Br. Thomas Bernard Schofield, Br. Patrick Joseph Nolan. Members of Br. Schofield’s family were in attendance on the day as were relations of Very Reverend Canon John Fitzpatrick, P.P. the Parish Priest instrumental in bringing the community of Christian Brothers to Midleton in answer to the wishes of the local people of the town of Midleton in1867.

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(L-R) Mary Cunningham, Principal Midleton CBS Primary, Mr. Pat Hurley, President Midleton CBS PPU, Canon C. O Donovan, Mr. Maurice O Connor, Mr. Maurice Keohane, Principal Midleton CBS Secondary School

The wonderful work continued by both schools was much celebrated on the day and both schools pledged to continue to endeavour to help and guide all the students in their care to flourish, to achieve their potential, to develop their sense of justice and service of others and to take their places as strong and positive citizens of the world.

The Board of Management has continued its work since 2017 to provide the best possible facilities for the current pupils of the school. A roof refurbishment project was carried out in the summer/autumn of 2017 funded by the Department of Education and Skills summer works programme. At the same time the Board set about making the old infant school building suitable to support the new and growing ASD Unit. The school continues to engage actively with the DoES Building Unit to deliver a new ASD Unit and to link both buildings. A protected play area was created in 2017 to support the ASD Unit with outdoor facilities. The summer of 2018 was spent on the development of an all weather astro turf pitch, new soft pour yard surfaces, a new basketball court and an outdoor gym area for the pupils of both the mainstream classes and the ASD Unit special classes.

Summer 2019 has seen the updating of the schools information technology provision. New touch screen panels have been installed in mainstream classrooms, new laptops have been purchased for staff, the first suite of ipads have been acquired for the school and the wifi infrastructure is about to be updated. Exciting 21st Century opportunities for teachers and students alike lie ahead.

17 2025
St Patrick's Day Break
11 2025
Easter Holidays - 12 noon Finish
14 2025
Easter Holidays
02 2025
School Closed: Teacher Primary Maths Curriculum Training
05 2025
May Bank Holiday
Midleton CBS Primary School,
Co. Cork,
P25 EK13,

021 463 1419

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