A bit of rain won’t stop the boys in M. Lisa and M. Gails 2nd classes๐ง. Today we ventured to Bailic Park on a nature trail. After learning all about the plants, insects and birds in our local area we set out on a quest to find them๐. We like to multi task in our school, so we did our bit for the community and picked up litter along the way๐ช. The boys did a fantastic job, picking up litter and learning about the dangers of litter to our local habitats๐๐ท๐๐๐ฆ๐ฟ๐ ๐ฆข๐ฆ.Thanks to Midleton Tidy Towns for lending us the litter pickers! We are so proud of the boys ๐๐
#litterpicking #savetheplanet #commmunity @biodiversityinschools @biodatacentre @letsbuildanark @greenschoolsire@midletontidy