A bit of rain won’t stop the boys in M. Lisa and M. Gails 2nd classes🌧. Today we ventured to Bailic Park on a nature trail. After learning all about the plants, insects and birds in our local area we set out on a quest to find them👀. We like to multi task in our school, so we did our bit for the community and picked up litter along the way💪. The boys did a fantastic job, picking up litter and learning about the dangers of litter to our local habitats🐞🕷🐝🐇🦊🌿🍃 🦢🦆.Thanks to Midleton Tidy Towns for lending us the litter pickers! We are so proud of the boys 👏👏
#litterpicking #savetheplanet #commmunity @biodiversityinschools @biodatacentre @letsbuildanark @greenschoolsire@midletontidy